basic study in electrical engineering specializing in technical computer science Internship with the topic „Integration of a medium-sized company into the Internet“ as well as diploma thesis „Development and initial implementation of a COMMON-ISDN-Application-Interface (CAPI) v1.1 Conformance-Tester“ at the company ke Kommunikations-Elektronik in Hannover
degree Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
from March 1996 – July 1998 in an engineering firm for food technology the following main activities:
– planning and commissioning of plants in the food industry
– PLC programming
– visualization
– data acquisition
self-employed from August 1998
January 01, 2000 Founding member of EB-Industrieanlagen GbR
01. July 2001 to 30.06.2014 Shareholder and member of the Management Board of EB-Industrieanlagen Aktiengesellschaft
from 15 March 2012 founding member of Mühlenberger Fernwärme Betreibergesellschaft bR
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